What is Gift Card ?

Khatriji’s gift card is a prepaid payment card that contains specific amount of money used to make payment for the products purchased from the portal. This gift card will have minimum as well as maximum loading amount defined by the company. User can apply to buy Khatriji’s products and use Gift Card for the payment. However, this card is applicable to few of the services offered by Khatriji.

Terms and Conditions to use Gift Card

Gift Card can be used on selected services chosen by the company.
Only the user can use Khatriji Gift Card. Once the user is converted to Skyomie, then he/she will not be able to use this Gift Card.
User cannot use both Wallet and Gift Card together. He/she can either use Wallet or Gift Card at a time for single transaction in services like Mobile/DTH/Landline/Broadband/Datacard Recharge and for the Bill Payments like Electricity/Gas/Insurance Premium.
Users can not apply Gift Card in Money Transfer Services from Android application.
Gift Card is valid till the duration time mentioned in the card from the date of activation.
It is mandatory to have User Registration for using Gift Card.
Gift Card is non-refundable and nor can be exchanged with cash in full or in parts.
Gift Card is not valid during sale or with any special promotion.
The management has the right to reject the Gift Card if found tampered or in unacceptable condition.
Khatriji is not responsible if the Gift Card is lost/stolen/damaged/destroyed and no replacement will be provided in such cases.